
Amazing how quickly things can go from heavenly to tragic,

But as fate would have it,

While you and your sweetie pie were living lavish

Your ex was thinking savage,

Your ex would play the role of saboteur

With intentions far from pure,

Out of the blue

She turned your happy relationship into madness,

When she randomly sent you a barrage of text messages,

A bunch of booty pics and sexual passages,

About how it was so good last week,

And how she loved being your secret freak,

All lies and fabrication,

But your girlfriend’s sanity went on vacation

As soon as she saw this phony conversation,

You had nothing to hide,

So you shared everything

With your assumed soon to be bride,

But now she didn’t trust you,

Even if you said the sky was blue

She would think it was a ruse,

After all the good you’ve done,

Amazing how quickly it can all be undone

A couple of texts and your relationship unraveled,

There was your girl with the gavel,

She was beside herself with rage,

Which set the stage for her departure,

You went running after her,

She said, “Don’t bother,”

She needed to take a drive to clear her head,

She got in the car,

And 30 minutes later came the moment you’d dread,

She was in an accident,

You could barely recognize her from the wreckage,

All over a mutha fucking text message…

DeJuan Cuffee